Seasonal Gardening Guide: Flowers to Plant in Summer

summer flowers - sunflowers

When it comes to gardening, there are so many things to consider — from the type of plants you want to grow to when you should plant them and how much water they need. It can be hard to keep track of all the different types of flowers that are in season at any given time, let alone what kind of soil and sunlight they need.

This guide will take the guesswork out of choosing which flowers to plant in summer. We’ll provide a list of seasonal flowers and tips on how to care for them. Read on to learn more about summer flowers to grow and how to make summer garden flowers bloom beautifully.

How to Prepare your Seasonal Flower Garden for Summer

Whether you’re starting a new seasonal flower garden or adding to an existing one, preparing your garden for summer is an important task, especially if it’s your first time to plant flowers that bloom in summer. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Choose the right plants

Not all flowers are created equal when it comes to tolerating hot summer weather. When choosing bulbs to plant in summer or summer flowers to plant for your seasonal garden, look for varieties that are heat-tolerant and drought-resistant. Some good examples of summer flowers that fit this bill include zinnias, marigolds, impatiens, and petunias. Examples of summer bulbs include gladiolus and dahlias.

Plan your garden layout

Once you’ve chosen the right plants for your seasonal flower garden, it’s time to start planning your garden layout. When designing your garden, leave plenty of space between each plant. This will give the plants room to grow and prevent them from crowding each other out. You’ll also want to consider the height of your plants when planning your garden layout — taller plants should be placed in the back, while shorter plants can go in the front.

When you’re finished planning your garden layout, it’s time to start planting! Follow the instructions on each plant’s care label, as some plants will need more water or sunlight than others. With a little bit of care, your seasonal flower garden will be blooming in no time.

What to Plant in your Summer Flower Garden

When it comes to deciding what to plant in your summer flower garden, there are plenty of options available.

Easy to Maintain Plants/Low Maintenance

Examples of low maintenance summer flowers include:

  • Impatiens
  • Petunias
  • Marigolds
  • Zinnias

High Yielding Plants

Examples of high-yielding plants include:

  • Cosmos
  • Sunflowers
  • Dianthus
  • Cleome

How to Start Seeds for your Summer Flower Garden

Now that you know what plants you want to include in your summer flower garden, it’s time to start seedlings. To do this, you will need:

  • A seed tray or pot
  • Soil
  • Water
  • A sunny spot

Once you have gathered all of your materials, fill the tray or pot with soil and water it until the top inch is wet. Then, sow your seeds according to the packet instructions. Once the seeds have been sown, place the tray or pot in a sunny spot and water it as needed to keep the soil moist but not soggy.

How to Plant your Summer Flower Garden

After the process of starting seeds, it’s now time to plant your summer flowers. To do this, you will need:

  • Shovel
  • Trowel
  • Watering can
  • Your plants!

Pick a day when the weather is mild and there is no chance of rain. Begin by preparing the soil in your chosen garden spot. Once the soil is loose and turned over, it’s time to start planting. Place your plants in the ground at the same depth that they were in their pots and water them well. Be sure to keep an eye on your garden and water as needed. With a little love and attention, you’ll have a beautiful summer flower garden in no time!

How and When to Harvest your Summer Flower Garden

Once your flowers have bloomed, you can enjoy them in your home as part of a bouquet or cut them to add some color to a summer salad. The best time to cut your flowers is in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before the heat of the day sets in. This will help to prolong their life once they are in a vase.

Use sharp shears or gardening scissors to make clean cuts at an angle just above a leaf joint. Be sure to remove any leaves that will fall below the water line in your vase as these will cause bacteria to grow and shorten the life of your flowers.

If you’re interested in drying your flowers, wait until the blooms are just beginning to fade, and then cut them at their stems. Hang them upside down in a cool, dark place and they’ll be ready to enjoy long after the summer has ended.

Summer Specific Things to Remember When Planning and Working in your Flower Garden

There are some important things to remember when you’re planning and working in your flower garden during the summer months.

  • You can plant in the evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.
  • Always water early in the morning or evening to avoid evaporation and to give the plants time to absorb the water before the heat of the day.
  • Don’t forget to fertilize regularly — flowers are heavy feeders and need nutrients to keep them looking their best.
  • And lastly, be sure to deadhead (remove spent blooms) to encourage new growth and more flowers.


Starting a summer flower garden is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and add color to your home. If you want to start a successful summer garden, be sure to choose the right flowers for your climate, provide plenty of water and fertilizer, and deadhead regularly. With a little effort, you’ll have a gorgeous garden that will bloom all season long. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start planting!