Seasonal Gardening Guide: Fall Fruit to Plant

fall fruit

As the days grow shorter and the leaves start to turn yellow and red, it can only mean one thing: fall is finally here! For many people, this means cooler temperatures, pumpkin spice everything, and of course… gardening.

This guide will provide some of the best seasonal fruits to grow in your garden this fall. From blueberries to figs, we’ll cover everything you need to know about increasing seasonal fruit this autumn!

How To Prepare Your Seasonal Fruit Garden for Fall

Preparing your seasonal fruit garden for the fall can be challenging, but it’s also rewarding. Just like pruning and staking, it is essential to properly care for your garden to ensure it remains healthy throughout the season.

To prepare your garden for the cooler months, remove any weeds or plants infected with disease or pests. Before sowing new seeds or incorporating plants, dig deep into the soil to ensure that it is nice and loose to support further growth.

After planting new fall season fruits, layering mulch on top of the soil will help keep them from drying out due to temperature changes.

Lastly, pay attention to any signs of distress and take action as soon as possible; properly caring for your seasonal fruit garden during this time could mean the difference between abundance and scarcity come harvest time.

What To Plant in Your Fall Fruit Garden

Fruits harvested in fall can vary depending on your region and climate, but a few common fruits do exceptionally well when planted during the fall season.

Easy To Maintain Plants/Low Maintenance

Since fall is a great time to start planting, some of the best fall fruits require little maintenance and can easily be grown in any region. Blueberries, pomegranates, persimmons, and figs are all low-maintenance fall-in-season fruits you can plant in your garden this season.

  • Blueberries: Not only do they make an excellent addition to smoothies and baked goods, but blueberries are also relatively easy to maintain. They typically have little to no pest issues and can be grown throughout the U.S.
  • Figs: Figs can thrive in most soil types and typically do not require much attention during their growth period. They are a great addition to your fall fruit garden as you can harvest them in late summer/early fall and they’ll last throughout the winter.
  • Pomegranates: Pomegranates are one of the most beloved fall fruits for their sweet, tart flavor. They tend to be fruitful in alkaline soil, so ensure your soil has a pH level of 6.5-7.5 before planting them.

High Yielding Plants 

If you want your kitchen to overflow with seasonal fall fruits, consider planting this list of fall fruits:

  • Raspberries: Once you plant a raspberry bush, you can look forward to harvesting fruits for years. They are straightforward to maintain and spread quickly, so be sure to plant them in an area with plenty of space. During fall, raspberry bushes will produce fall-colored flowers, which turn into delicious fruits come harvest.
  • Apricots: Fall is an ideal time to plant apricots, as they require a longer growing season. Plant this fruit in fall during the colder months, and you’ll be able to harvest sweet fruits all season long.
  • Cherries: Sweet cherries are among the most popular fall fruits in gardens across the country. Not only are they relatively easy to grow, but they also require minimal maintenance during their growth period.

How To Start Seeds for Your Fall Fruit Garden

Starting your fall fruit garden is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a fruit gardener. Growing plants from the beginning allow gardeners to understand and nurture each step of the fruiting process.

Most fruits are easy to start from seed, but knowing the best practices for success is essential.

Choose organic, non-GMO seeds that have been thermally treated and soaked in water to speed up germination rates.

Once you’ve chosen which seeds you’d like to use, check if they need to be scarified or stratified — two processes that create conditions to encourage growth.

Then, decide what kind of soil will suit your species best: pick a well-draining medium, so your seedlings don’t drown, and sprinkle some slow-release fertilizer on top if needed.

Follow this process, and soon you’ll be savoring your fall fruits!

How To Plant Your Fall Fruit Garden

Creating a beautiful fruit-bearing garden in any season is an enjoyable task. In the fall, you can take advantage of the temperate weather conditions while choosing from various fruits like apples, pears, cranberries, and figs.

Planting these autumn fruits is simply a matter of preparation and careful timing. You can begin by researching local trees or plants in season for planting and make sure to amend your soil with organic matter for the best results.

After leveling the plot of land and digging a hole twice the diameter of the root ball, place your tree or bush into it, taking care to fill all air spaces around it so no water will drain away from it.

Water deeply after planting and then mulch with minerals like compost or wood chips; this helps prevent weeds while also nurturing your garden with essential nutrients.

With minimal effort, you can enjoy bountiful harvests each year!

How and When To Harvest your Fall Fruit Garden

Knowing when to harvest your fall fruit garden can be tricky but is worth the effort. You can walk through your garden regularly while the fruits ripen and check their color, size, and texture. Under-ripe fruit will typically have a pale yellow hue instead of bright oranges or reds, especially for varieties of apples and tomatoes.

Size often varies significantly between fruit — honeydews should feel oversized while blueberries should stay on their branches until they come off quickly with a gentle tug.

Next, pick a few fruits across different trees or plants each week to save some for later usage throughout fall. 

Fall-specific Things To Remember When Planning and Working in Your Fruit Garden

A fruitful garden doesn’t create itself. Now that fall is nearing; there are a few specific things to remember if you want your fruit garden to flourish into the colder months.

  • Feed your soil: Fall is a great time to fertilize soil improvement so that it will be ready for spring. Use a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium to boost mineral levels.
  • Control pests: As temperatures drop, many of the garden’s usual pests may move in and cause damage. Monitor your garden closely and take preventative measures to ensure they don’t become a problem.
  • Mulch, prune, and water: Mulching helps protect your plants from harsh winter frosts, while pruning and watering will keep them strong against damaging winds.
  • Watch the weather: While fall typically has mild temperatures, you may experience a cold spell or two. Watch the weather for sudden changes or cold fronts, and cover your plants as necessary. 

Wrapping Up

Contrary to popular belief, fall is a beautiful time to start a fruit-bearing garden. By following these steps and researching, you can enjoy the freshness of homegrown fruits throughout the season!